Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas


sorry it has been so long since we have posted

I have pics coming soon-- hopefully tomorrow

Milos has been doing GREAT!!!!!!!

here is a video of milos and the boys at Hofbrauhaus!

It is so hard to believe that a kid who has done little-- other than stare at the lights on the wall-- has adjusted so well to his new world.

Today he went with mom in search of a crib--

No luck, but we had a nice time at Hofbrauhaus in Newport-- I wish I had the pics of him and his first Chickendance-- will post soon

Things are going REALLY well-- We wish Mios did not arise at 5am but all in all it is hard not to approve of his progress.

he is speaking 2-3 words by voice and signing 3 word complete phrases

It's is SOOO sad this little guy had no attention in the "home". They really meant well and tried to help him, but he has REALLY exploded here at home.

With your prayers, we will continue to see his come out of his shell!

Merry Christmas!



  1. That certainly is wonderful and amazing progress!! Glad things are going so well.

  2. thanks Lin

    Lots of signs and words---Way cool for a kid that they said cound NOT communicate-- I hope the following months are as good as the last 3 weeks
